Go Program: Free Curriculum for Scratch Programming

Here is a collection of  Scratch Learning Materials for both teachers and students. 


Project mission

This is a collection of open-source projects for self-exploration learning in Scratch, targeting students who are familiar with computer operation at elementary level or any people who want to learn the basics about Scratch by themselves. It is designed around the concept of combining art, math, and computer science in learning. Created by Ms.Miaoya

Go Pottery

 An Easy Start: Check out the Go Pottery Guidebook to create in Scratch and get your first program done in 5 minutes!

Go Scratch-Interactive Detailed Guide

Ready to move forward: Check out the detailed guide to start your Scratch Learning Journey

Go Poems

Experiments to incorporate Computer Science, Art, Poems, and Bilingual Literacy in Interactive Scratch Storybooks.

Go Poems aims to make ancient Chinese poems more interactive and comprehensible for children. It contains 4 poems about Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. This interactive scratch game is trying to provide children who are learning Chinese poems with a more vivid view of the stories to facilitate better understanding as well as an opportunity to explore the world of Scratch programming. 

Spring:《春晓》 孟浩然

The Spring Morning by Meng Haoran 

Summer:《小池》 杨万里

A Little Pond by Yang Wanli 

Autumn:《山居秋暝》 王维

Autumn Evening in the Mountains by Wang Wei 

Winter《逢雪宿芙蓉山主人》 刘长卿

 Seeking Shelter in Lotus Hill on a Snowy Night by Liu Changqing

Virtual Pet - Lucky 

Created with Athena. We both have a pet named Lucky. We created this virtual pet game because we believe that technology not only can train students' logic and creativity, it also has the power to promote their social emotional skills. We want every user can be accompanied by Lucky and take care of Lucky :D


Contact [miaoya969@outlook.com] to get more information about the project